We are now accepting applicants for our newest accreditation program: Ear, Nose and Throat (Otolaryngology) Surgery.
With numerous changes and advancements in ENT – and after numerous requests from providers – this program became a necessity. Patients need to know which facilities and surgeons are tops in their industry. Referring physicians benefit from knowing which ENT centers are the most technologically advanced – particularly with procedural innovations in endoscopic sinus surgery, transoral robotic surgery and obstructive sleep apnea, such as drug-induced sleep endoscopy and hypoglossal nerve stimulation.

As with all SRC programs, the ENT surgery accreditation was developed in consultation with industry experts. It is awarded to those who meet our proven standards and are committed to continuous quality improvement and patient safety. Patients seek out SRC-accredited providers, because our seal signifies safe and superior surgical care. Accredited providers gain much more than a certificate – they gain benefits.
Become the first Center of Excellence in Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery in your area. Click here to learn more about our Expedited Accreditation Program.